Eldritch Horror Wiki

Card Overview

Name: Scavengers
Card Type: Mythos
Expansion: 07
The Dreamlands
Traits: Ongoing - Rumor
Color: Blue
Difficulty: Medium
Icons: Spawn Clues Space 15 3

Card Front

Flavor Text: The gangs in South Africa are uniquely adept in using violence and intimidation to take what they want. They have begun to use the nation's international shipping to spread their influence around the world.
Effect: As an encounter, an investigator on space 15 may investigate (Observation-1). If he passes, he may spend Clue Clues equal to NoInvestigators to solve this Rumor.

When there are no Eldritch token Eldritch tokens on this card, each investigator discards 1 Item possession, 1 Ally Asset, 1 Task Asset, 1 Spell, 1 Talent Condition, 1 Improvement token, and Focus 1 Focus; then solve this Rumor.

Reckoning: Discard Eldritch token 1 Eldritch token from this card.