Eldritch Horror Wiki

Card Overview

Name: Dimensions Collide
Card Type: Mythos
Traits: Ongoing - Rumor
Color: Blue
Difficulty: Hard
Icons: Spawn Clues Space 11 8

Card Front

Flavor Text: Everywhere that these portals have been reported, earthquakes shake the streets into rubble, and sinkholes swallow buildings whole.
Effect: As an encounter, an investigator on space 11 may attempt to infiltrate a hidden sect of Tcho-Tchos that is destabilizing the fabric of reality by invoking Chaugnar Faugn (Observation). If he passes, he puts an end to their rituals; he may spend Clue Clues equal to half NoInvestigators to solve this Rumor.

When there are no Eldritch token Eldritch tokens on this card, investigators lose the game.

Reckoning: Discard Eldritch token Eldritch tokens from this card equal to half the number of Gates on the game board.